May 27, 2012


AGENPARL) - Roma, 22 mag - La XII Commissione Affari sociali, in sede legislativa, ha approvato senza modifiche il disegno di legge recante Istituzione del registro nazionale e dei registri regionali degli impianti protesici mammari, obblighi informativi alle pazienti, nonché divieto di intervento di plastica mammaria alle persone minori (C. 3703-B Governo, approvato con modificazioni, dalla 12a Commissione Igiene e sanità del Senato, già approvato dalla XII Commissione della Camera - rel. Bocciardo, PdL). In sede referente, ha iniziato l’esame delle proposte di legge sulle norme riguardanti interventi in favore delle gestanti e delle madri volti a garantire il segreto del parto alle donne che non intendono riconoscere i loro nati (C. 3303 Lucà e C. 1266 Consiglio regionale del Piemonte - rel. Palumbo, PdL), e ha proseguito l’esame delle proposte di legge recanti Istituzione e disciplina dell'indagine farmacogenetica (C. 4083 L. Molteni - rel. L. Molteni, LNP) e Norme per il riconoscimento della sindrome post polio come malattia cronica e invalidante (C. 3367 Codurelli - rel. Burtone, PD). In sede consultiva, ha espresso parere favorevole con osservazione alla XIII Commissione Agricoltura sull’ ulteriore testo unificato delle disposizioni per la tutela e la valorizzazione della biodiversità agraria e alimentare (C. 2744 Cenni – Mancuso, PdL). Ha svolto l’audizione informale di rappresentanti della Conferenza delle regioni e delle province autonome di Trento e di Bolzano, nell’ambito dell’esame dell’ulteriore testo unificato recante Principi fondamentali in materia di governo delle attività cliniche per una maggiore efficienza e funzionalità del Servizio sanitario nazionale (C. 278-A e abb.). Infine, ha svolto una seduta di interrogazioni.

The male carers: ‘It’s not in a man’s nature to do this’.

“The immediate response you get from people when you say you’re a carer is, ‘What company do you work for?’ ” says Pat O’Mahony. Since 1998, the 53-year-old has been caring full time for his wife, Margaret, who has post-polio syndrome. He is sitting around a table with seven other local men at the Carers Association’s Cork centre, talking about the assumptions they have faced over many years.

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May 24, 2012

WHO expected to launch 'emergency plan' to eradicate polio.

The World Health Organization is expected to declare polio a global emergency after outbreaks in countries previously free of the disease. 

The WHO wants to boost programmes in Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan, the only countries where the disease is still endemic.

It says tackling polio is "at a tipping point between success and failure".

India, once regarded as one of the most challenging countries, was declared free of the disease in February.

There have been large outbreaks of the virus in Africa, Tajikistan and China has had its first cases for more than a decade.

Members of the WHO, meeting in Geneva, will vote this week on whether to declare polio eradication an "emergency for public health".

The WHO estimates that failure to act could lead to as many as 200,000 paralyzed children a year worldwide within a decade.

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May 20, 2012

PERU - Desde próximo año aplicarán a menores vacunas inyectables contra polio.

Lima, may. 19 (ANDINA). El Ministerio de Salud (Minsa) aplicará a partir del 2013 vacunas inyectables contra la polio en la población infantil, con el fin de evitar la aparición de nuevos casos de polio posvacunal, anunció hoy el viceministro del sector Percy Minaya. 
ANDINA/Juan Carlos Guzmán
ANDINA/Juan Carlos Guzmán

Explicó que el esquema de vacunación de la polio comprende cuatro dosis, la primera de las cuales (al nacer) será vía oral, mientras que las tres restantes se aplicarán vía intramuscular.
“Con este sistema sería rarísimo que algún niño contraiga la polio posvacunal. En la práctica no deben ocurrir más casos. Esta modalidad ya se está aplicando en Brasil y México con resultados muy positivos”, declaró a la Agencia Andina.

Sostuvo que normalmente la vacuna oral –ahora las cuatro dosis son orales- contiene un virus atenuado que, al ingresar al cuerpo del menor, produce inmunidad a nivel del intestino y luego sale a través del recto.
Sin embargo, continuó, en caso de niños o niñas sin respuesta inmunitaria, con deficiencia de inmunoglobulina o con alguna condición genética, el virus puede activarse y generar parálisis en el menor, una de las características de la polio.

“Esto muchas veces no lo saben los padres ni las personas que aplican las vacunas y eso hizo que aparecieran los seis casos de polio posvacunal que el ministerio ya está atendiendo”, agregó.
En el caso de las vacunas inyectables, comentó que el virus que ingresará al cuerpo estará inactivado y por eso, aunque haya un déficit en el menor, no podría producir polio posvacunal. “A pesar de estar inactivado, produce inmunidad en el cuerpo”, puntualizó.
Dijo que como las tres dosis inyectables no producirán una fuerte inmunidad a nivel intestinal, la primera dosis en el recién nacido será de todas maneras vía oral, aprovechando la inmunidad que le transfiere la madre a través de la leche materna.
Minaya explicó que la incorporación de la vacuna inyectable contra la polio forma parte de una serie de cambios al programa de inmunizaciones que está preparando el Minsa, a partir de la iniciativa del congresista Tito Valle.
Puntualizó que esos cambios para la creación de una nueva Ley General de Vacunas también incluyen la creación de un fondo para atender posibles casos de menores afectados por las vacunas y la obligatoriedad de que se explique bien a los padres de familia el objetivo de las inmunizaciones.
Asimismo, la propuesta también propone que se declare de interés nacional en el Perú la investigación y producción de vacunas.


May 17, 2012

Nigeria — Sokoto State has recorded two new cases of the wild polio virus Type 1.

Sokoto — Sokoto State has recorded two new cases of the wild polio virus Type 1 and the cases were recorded at Helele and Waziri B areas of Sokoto North local government area where two girls were confirmed to have the virus, a government official has said.

Speaking on the situation, Special Adviser to Skoto governor on Primary Healthcare Development Agency, Comrade Ibrahim Jibril, said the development was retrogressive to the efforts of the agency, state government and development partners in their quest to eradicate the disease.

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'Nice Guys' ringleader accused of hiring prostitute.

John St. Marie, who was spared prison time in the prior case for health reasons, was charged after allegedly arranging to see a prostitute.
John St. Marie, who was convicted in 2010 of running a prostitution ring for well-to-do men who dubbed themselves the "Minnesota Nice Guys," was caught last month by police allegedly ordering a prostitute for himself at a cost of $600.

Because St. Marie is in a wheelchair and needs extensive health care, the judge who sentenced him in the earlier case decided not to send him to prison, noting in part the huge medical costs his incarceration would entail. St. Marie, 68, had made a plea agreement with the Ramsey County attorney's office.

But the prostitution charge filed Friday is a violation of his probation. And again, a judge will have to consider St. Marie's health when deciding how to handle the violation.

"The new charge wasn't something that was anticipated," said Dennis Gerhardstein, spokesman for the Ramsey County attorney's office. "We have to wait until we have the facts in front of us, but a judge will have to review St. Marie's status and make a determination. We don't know what will come of this."

St. Marie, a former assistant Hennepin County attorney, couldn't be reached for comment. His attorney, Dave Roston, said it was too early to comment on the case.

St. Marie needs round-the-clock health care, which he receives at his home in Minneapolis. He uses a wheelchair because of childhood polio, and can move only his neck and a finger on his left hand. Post-polio syndrome forced him to retire in 2003.

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Centre résidentiel Roberval. Le fondateur condamné à un an de prison.

ROBERVAL - Le fondateur du Centre résidentiel communautaire de Roberval, Claude Duchesne, prend le chemin des cellules.

Le juge Pierre Simard l'a condamné à un an de prison lundi à Roberval, pour deux séries de fraudes qui se sont étirées sur une période de six ans.

L'homme qui a favorisé la réinsertion sociale d'un bon nombre de personnes à Roberval se couvrait le visage à la sortie de la salle d'audience.

«C'est certain qu'il n'est par fier des gestes qu'il a commis», a admis l'avocate Justine Guay-Langevin, qui remplaçait le procureur de l'accusé, Me Jean-Marc Fradette, au prononcé de la sentence.

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May 4, 2012

Karla Pfingsten tritt als Vorsitzende zurück

Von Siegfried Deismann
Lilienthal. Der Lilienthaler Seniorenbeirat sucht auf seiner Sitzung am Donnerstag, 26. April, nach einem Jahr Amtszeit von Karla Pfingsten eine neue Vorsitzende oder einen neuen Vorsitzenden. Bereits im Januar habe sie im Beirat ihre Entscheidung bekannt gegeben, ihr Amt aufzugeben. "Aus gesundheitlichen Grünen", wie die 70-Jährige auf Anfrage bestätigt hat. Pfingsten war mit elf Jahren an Kinderlähmung erkrankt und hat in letzter Zeit zunehmend mit den Folgeerscheinungen der Polio-Erkrankung zu tun.
 Für sie wird am Donnerstag eine Nachfolgerin oder ein Nachfolger gesucht: Die Vorsitzende des Seniorenbeirats Lilienthal, Karla Pfingsten, hat aus gesundheitlichen Gründen ihren Rücktritt erklärt
                                © Göckeritz

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E' possibile la ricomparsa della poliomielite?.

Scritto da Giuseppe Mazzoleni

Indagine virologica nei pazienti con la sindrome post-polio. E' possibile la ricomparsa della poliomielite? Questo è stato il tema del seminario organizzato presso il Centro Riabilitativo Villa Beretta a Costa Masnaga dall'Associazione Nazionale Polio e Sindrome Post-Polio. 
Hanno presenziato in qualità di relatori il  prof. Toniolo  Professore di Microbiologia Medica, Università dell'Insubria  Direttore Laboratorio di Microbiologia Medica - Ospedale di Circolo e Fondazione Macchi Varese, Nina Daita referente “Area Disabilità” della CGIL che a trattato il tema:  “Disabilità e diritti - Autonomia e dignità “.

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Jetstar out of pocket even if it wins wheelchair appeal

JETSTAR may well be pondering how many extra wheelchairs it could have provided for disabled passengers, as it weighs the dollar cost of what constitutes ''public interest'' in a disability discrimination stoush in the Federal Court.

Jetstar and Virgin Australia have been accused of discrimination by Sheila King, 78, who is reliant on a wheelchair as a result of post-polio syndrome, and a car crash in 2008. At stake is the business model of the low-cost airlines, which restrict wheelchair-assisted passengers to two per flight.

It was Jetstar's tight margins as a low-cost operator that convinced Federal Court judge Justice Alan Robertson that although Mrs King had been discriminated against, Jetstar was allowed to do so because of ''unjustifiable hardship'' provisions. Mrs King has appealed.

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Polio-Betroffene appelliert: Impfen!.

Margrit Marte lässt Spätfolgen der Kinderlähmung in der Rehaklinik behandeln – Am 5. Mai ist ein Infotag

Von Nina Jahnel
Bad Wurzach Noch bis Freitag dauert die Europäische Impfwoche. Ärzte, Krankenkassen und Gesundheitsverbände haben in dieser Zeit verstärkt dazu aufgerufen, den eigenen Impfschutz zu überprüfen und Impfungen aufzufrischen. Dazu gehört auch die Impfung gegen eine Krankheit, die eigentlich seit 2002 in Europa als ausgerottet gilt: Polio, im Volksmund auch Kinderlähmung genannt.
  Margrit Marte ist zurzeit zur Reha in Bad Wurzach. Übungen zum Erhalt der Beinkraft gehören zum Trainigsprogramm.
Margrit Marte ist zurzeit zur Reha in Bad Wurzach. Übungen zum Erhalt der Beinkraft gehören zum Trainigsprogramm. (Foto: Jahnel)

 Polio ist eine Viruserkrankung, bei der sich das Virus im Rückenmark festsetzt und Nervenzellen lähmt. Margrit Marte weiß, was das bedeutet. Sie wurde selbst als Kleinkind infiziert. Mit zweieinhalb Jahren wurde die Kinderlähmung diagnostiziert. Zurzeit ist die 58-Jährige, die aus Dunningen im Kreis Rottweil stammt, zur Behandlung der Spätfolgen in der Rehaklinik in Bad Wurzach. Professor Paul-Jürgen Hülser, der früher in einer Klinik im badischen Elzach tätig war, sei der erste Arzt gewesen, so Marte, der ihre aktuellen gesundheitlichen Probleme als Spätfolgen von Polio erkannt hat. Deshalb habe sie sich jetzt auch bewusst für die Rehaklinik in Bad Wurzach entschieden.

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Don’t Give Ground On Immunizations.

It is a bitter pill to swallow to think that so much of the good accomplished through childhood immunizations could hang in the balance and be just a generation or two away from disappearing.

The push for vaccination, especially of school-age children, has helped eradicate some diseases. Other childhood killers have been all but nullified through the miracle of medicine.

It was a matter of a few generations ago that polio was a worldwide epidemic. Since the 1840s, the virus had claimed thousands of lives and left thousands of other sufferers wheelchair bound or confined to machines to help them breathe.

Through immunization of school children, poliomyelitis is almost unheard of in the Western Hemisphere since the late 1970s. Those who receive a vaccine against the disease have a 90 percent less risk of contracting the illness, which is why it is still a required immunization for children.

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Paralytic Polio Sebabkan Kelumpuhan Hingga Kematian.

JAKARTA  -- Hingga kini penyakit polio, masih menjadi ancaman kecacatan dan kematian bagi anak-anak indonesia.

Bahkan penyakit itu juga berpotensi akan menimbulkan Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB) dengan jumlah angka kematian lebih tinggi.

Paralyctic Polio merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus polio (PV). Kelainan akan penyakit ini dapat menyebabkan penderitanya mengalami kelumpuhan bahkan kematian.

Virus polio (poliomyelitis) sangat menular dan tak bisa disembuhkan. Virus ini dapat masuk ke dalam tubuh melalui mulut, yang kemudian menginfeksi saluran usus dan aliran darah yang mengalir ke sistem saraf pusat yang mengakibatkan melemahnya otot dan kelumpuhan.

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Japanese health ministry approves Sanofi Pasteur's IP vaccine against Imovax Polio

Lyon, France
Saturday, April 28, 2012, 10:00 Hrs  [IST]

Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of Sanofi, announced that the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) has approved the company’s standalone Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine (IPV) against acute flaccid poliomyelitis (Imovax Polio). Imovax Polio will be added to the country’s public immunization programme on September 1.

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LUANDA - Rubbish reduces 40% of efficiency of polio vaccination.

Luanda - Great amount of rubbish near by the sanitary units reduced 40 per cent of the effectiveness of vaccination against poliomyelitis in the country, says the Health Minister, José Van-Dunem.

The official said so during the “Espaço Público programme of the Angolan state Public Television (TPA).

In addition, the minister said that this reduction was mainly recorded in areas whereas sanitation is unfavourable.

“To overcome this situation, rubbish must be rationalised by all the citizens”, he defended.