Mar 25, 2012

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends polio boosters for travelers to 44 countries.

CDC recommends polio boosters for travelers to 44 countries.
Polio is a devastating disease that can cause paralysis and death; fortunately, it is preventable through immunization.

For US travelers to endemic countries or countries at risk for reestablishment or importation of the poliovirus, ensuring your polio vaccination is up to date is imperative.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a travel notice Thursday recommending polio boosters to travelers to 44 countries that fall into one of the categories above.

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UN Agencies and Allies to Kick-off Polio Eradication Drive.

22/03/2012 – UNICEF, the WHO and its health partners in 20 African countries will work to immunize more than 100 million children over four consecutive days, starting tomorrow.
International health workers and policy-makers will launch a new campaign to avert the spread of polio across West and Central Africa. About 111 million children in 20 countries are being targeted for polio immunization by government ministries, the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

Poliomyelitis (polio) is a very infectious viral disease that overwhelmingly affects children under the age of five. Transmitted via contaminated water and food, polio attacks the nervous system once inside the body. In a small number of cases, the disease can cause total paralysis and death in just a matter of hours.

The campaign will begin operations tomorrow, when tens of thousands of volunteers will go door-to-door to vaccinate children against polio over the course of four days.

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Gambia: Kick Polio Out

The Gambia's Health of Ministry in collaboration with World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Emergency Children's Funds UNICEF) and other key stakeholders will today, Friday 23rd March, 2012 commence nationwide Polio Immunization Campaign targeting children from 0-5 years. The principal aim and objectives of this intervention are to kick out polio of the country which hitherto inflicted untold health complications on the populace, particularly the younger population. It's an indisputable fact that a lot of people have become maimed or disabled by this dreadful disease thanks to little or no knowledge about its genesis.

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Mar 23, 2012

The Polio Police Keep At It.

March 23, 2012: One important tool for peacekeepers is medical care. Pakistan, which has never had full control (as in local government, police and such) in many of the tribal areas along the Afghan border, provides a form of peacekeeping operation there. Troops and paramilitary forces are brought in to try and keep the peace as needed, as well as to protect a few services, especially medical care. The medical teams are very active in trying to control communicable diseases. Most notably, these teams took part in the effort to eradicate smallpox in the 1970s, and are now trying to eliminate polio. Unlike smallpox, the growth of Islamic radicalism and paranoia has made it much more difficult to wipe out polio.

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Year's first case of vaccine-derived polio reported in Bengal.

NEW DELHI: India has reported its first case of vaccine derived polio virus (VDPV) infection of 2012. A five-month-old child from the Murshidabad district of West Bengal has got infected with the virus after taking the oral polio vaccine.

This, however, does not threaten India's recently awarded polio free status because though detecting VDPV is part of the surveillance system, it does not get added when putting together a country's polio numbers.

Ona Essangui que tuvo polio en su niñez, ganador del 'Nobel verde'.

Ona Essangui que tuvo polio en su niñez, ganador del 'Nobel verde', lucha por la selva de Gabón. El activista gabonés, galardonado con el principal premio ambientalista, busca mostrar que África puede defender sus tesoros naturales.
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Mar 21, 2012

Polio virus in Pakistan: WHO warns of travel ban.

ISLAMABAD, March 20: The World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned Pakistan that if the polio virus was not contained, it could face serious consequences such as travel and visa restrictions and sanctions imposed by countries across the world.
Dr Bruce Aylward, Assistant Director-General of Polio, Emergencies and Country Collaboration, WHO, told Dawn after a press conference organised by country office of WHO that lately the global community had been expressing its anxiety over the widespread prevalence of the virus in Pakistan.

“Why would countries that have invested millions of dollars for the eradication of polio tolerate any possibility of the virus traveling from Pakistan to their country,” the key global official of the WHO rationalised, and elaborated: “Some countries in their individual capacities want to impose travel restrictions that are not in the benefit of Pakistan and must be avoided. It must be clarified that WHO is not a party to any of those plans.”

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Mar 20, 2012

The 24-year-old woman, who lives in the eastern Chinese city of Wuhu, has been confined to a wheelchair since 1992, two years after she was diagnosed with poliomyelitis.

BEIJING - The constant smile on Xia Lin's face often leads people to forget that she has been confined to a wheelchair for 20 years.

The 24-year-old woman, who lives in the eastern Chinese city of Wuhu, has been confined to a wheelchair since 1992, two years after she was diagnosed with poliomyelitis. Her father died when she was seven, and she now lives with her mentally-disabled mother.

However, Xia found a silver lining in 2010 when the local Communist Party of China (CPC) branch in the subdistrict of Zheshan launched a volunteer program to help people in need.

Today, nearly 1,000 CPC members serve in more than 20 One Meter of Sunshine (OMS) volunteer teams in Zheshan, and they provide a range of services, including help with household duties, psychological consultation, medical care and legal advice.

Meanwhile, the CPC's Wuhu municipal committee has expanded the program throughout the city of 3.8 million people.

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Nigeria: Polio Eradication - Is Country Willing?.

Yes, Nigeria is willing, at least according to President Goodluck Jonathan, "My commitment to the people of the country is that, between now and 2015, when my term of office is expected to end, we will work day and night to make sure that we eradicate polio. For that reason, we have also increased the amount of money we bring into polio eradication from $17 Million to $30 million and we have challenges, we will look for more money". That may be true, but is Nigeria serious?

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Mar 18, 2012



 “ Pur essendo un argomento attenzionato dal Parlamento da diverso tempo, le procedure per l'accertamento delle invalidità civili nei confronti di persone affette da patologie gravi o irreversibili, continuano ad essere discriminanti.

Il problema persiste infatti in tutta la sua drammaticità, dal momento che anche ai soggetti portatori di menomazioni irreversibili o di patologie escluse da visite di controllo sulla permanenza dello stato invalidante, continuano ad essere ugualmente richiesti ulteriori controlli, con tutti i disagi e umiliazioni che ne conseguono.

Ad oggi non è stato fatto nulla affinché a queste persone venissero risparmiati questi enormi disagi.  Il sottosegretario Guerra, nel rispondere alla mia interrogazione su un problema sollevato già nel mese di luglio scorso, non ha potuto fare altro che descrivere lo stato dell’arte, che ben conoscevamo, una brutta eredità lasciata dal precedente Governo.

Il caso del sig. Gandolfi ha infatti trovato una soluzione già dal novembre scorso in quanto, dopo la presentazione del mio atto parlamentare c’è stata un intervento dal Ministero della Salute. Tutto ciò non ha impedito il reiterarsi  del problema come nel caso della Sig. Anna Lissi, presidente dell'Associazione PostPolio di Lecco, finita addirittura sulla stampa nazionale.

Prendo atto della volontà del Governo di trovare una soluzione. Ne è un esempio la convocazione del tavolo di confronto coni vari soggetti interessati (inps, asl, regioni) proprio a partire da ieri sera, però la risposta avuta non mi soddisfa. Ho ribadito pertanto che la semplificazione tanto richiamata deve essere finalizzata al miglioramento del servizio per i cittadini coinvolti, ciè i più deboli, mentre sino ad ora si è aumentato il disagio in nome dei "falsi invaldi" e non è stato dato seguito al contrenuto di  ben cinque mozioni già approvate dalla Camera. Mi aspetto che  altre persone, con grave disabilità, non siano costrette a subire il medesimo trattamento ricevuto del signor Angelo Gandolfi e dalla Sig.ra Anna Lissi  e tanti, tanti altri disabili 

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請問康健:今年49歲,為小兒麻痺患者,醫生診斷為中度肢障(右腳),小時後因某些原因未做矯正手術穿鐵鞋,現在隨著年齡日增,感覺漸漸使不上力,有時走個三百公尺即舉步維艱,走遠路甚至需拐杖輔助,請問: 1.是否隨年齡日增有嚴重的趨勢? 2.如何保養? 3.適合何種運動有助鍛鍊腳力(游泳除外)。

骨科復健: 劉建廷 醫師

解答: 您好,您的困擾可能是由「小兒麻痺後症候群」(post polio syndrome 或 post poliomyelitis syndrome)所造成。
因為這些神經細胞與肌肉纖維的工作量比患病之前增加很多,很容易過度使用並提早老化,臨床表現是患者在病情穩定很多年之後,再度出現疲勞、肌肉無力、肌肉 萎縮、肌肉疼痛、關節疼痛與畏寒的症狀,這些症狀會隨著年齡增加而越來越明顯,並且影響日常生活功能,稱之為「小兒麻痺後症候群」。
日常生活應該節約體力避免不必要的活動(例如長時間走路、爬山或過度上下樓梯)、增加休息時間、必要時使用輔助器具(如手杖、助行器、電動代步車等) 減輕疲勞;如果有肌肉或關節疼痛症狀,首先要聽從身體的警告避免導致疼痛的活動,並且在醫師指示下接受藥物或物理治療。
例行有氧運動對心肺功能有益,但要在不會導致症狀惡化的前提之下進行有其困難度,最好能經過復健科醫師或物理治療師評估之後再依個別狀況安排適當的運動; 伸展運動可增加肌肉關節柔度並減輕疲勞與疼痛,值得推荐;另外,戒煙、戒酒、注意營養與避免體重過重也很重要,以上建議供您參考。

Post Polio Support Group

Mini marathon support

The Post Polio Support Group is appealing for marathon runners to take part in the Dublin Women's Mini Marathon in June.

The group are hoping the ladies of Drogheda will show their support for them by raising funds and taking part in what is always a fun day out. The Post Polio support group will ease participants overheads by subsidising some of their costs. For further details contact Anne Burns on (01) 45341050.

Schwindendes Post-Polio-Syndrom

Kinderlähmung ist dank äußerst wirksamer Schluckimpfung seit den frühen 60er Jahren in Deutschland Krankheit, die weitgehend in Vergessenheit gerät.

 Bei PPS handelt es sich um deren Folgeerkrankung, die bei etwa 70 Prozent der mit dem Polio-Virus infizierten Menschen erst nach einigen Jahrzehnten ausbricht. Kraft und Ausdauer schwinden, abnorme Erschöpfung und Schmerzen, Krämpfe und Zuckungen können auftreten.

Mit dem Verschwinden der Kinderlähmung ist auch PPS eine immer seltener werdende Krankheit. Und Karin Vogel meint es keineswegs zynisch sondern durchaus positiv wenn sie sagt: »Wir Post-Polio-Betroffenen sterben ja aus.« Martin Bachmann.
Infos: Jessica Wolf, Tel. 0 93 72 / 13 55 72,; Karin Vogel, Tel. 0 93 72 / 94 08 912,

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Polio Initiative Europa

Die Mitgliederversammlung - der Polio Initiative Europa findet am Samstag, 17. März, in der Frisch Auf-Gaststätte in der Hohenstaufenstraße 142 statt. Beginn ist um 10.30 Uhr. Um 14 Uhr gibt es den Vortrag "Schlafapnoe und PPS" (Post-Polio-Syndrom). Referent ist Dieter Schlegel.


Carta Abierta de Manuel David Orrio al ministro de Salud Pública de Cuba

por Manuel David Orrio
Sábado, 17 de Marzo de 2012 00:23 
Salud Pública de La Habana niega importación extraordinaria de medicamento contra la poliomielitis a Manuel David Orrio.

La Habana, marzo 16 del 2012.

“Año 54 de la Revolución”

A: Dr. Roberto Morales Ojeda
Ministro de Salud Pública de la República de Cuba

DE: Manuel David Orrio del Rosario.Periodista del Centro de Información para la Prensa de Cuba. Ex – Agente Miguel de los Órganos de la Seguridad del Estado.Medalla al Valor “Eliseo Reyes” de Primera Clase (otorgada por el Consejo de Estado de la República de Cuba, Acuerdo 3570)

ASUNTO: Negativa de la Dirección Provincial de Salud de La Habana a autorizar la importación extraordinaria del medicamento conocido como Nivalín o Galantamina, solicitado para Manuel David Orrio del Rosario por el Comité Médico – Farmacéutico del Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Comandante Manuel “Piti” Fajardo, a proposición del neurólogo de esa institución, Dr. Carlos Maya Entenza. 
Se fundamenta el pedido sobre  la Resolución 232 del Ministerio de Salud Pública de Cuba (MINSAP).
Objetivo: importar el fármaco para combatir en el paciente un Síndrome Post-Poliomielitis (SPP). Productor  y país de origen: Sopharma, Bulgaria.

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Mar 16, 2012

Post-Polio Syndrome and Polio Affected Association - Spain.

Respuesta del Gobierno a la pregunta formulada por el Diputado Sr. Llamazares.

Lola Corrales, Presidenta de la Asociación Afectados de Polio y Síndrome Post-Polio, envía la respuesta del Gobierno de España la pregunta formulada por el Diputado Sr. Llamazares, sobre la revisión del informe del Carlos III y el Real Decreto 1851/2009 de Jubilación anticipada. Queda pendiente el debate de la Proposición No de Ley.  

Mar 15, 2012

Pakistan: War against polio seen as national obligation.

ISLAMABAD: Political rivals in parliament have joined hands to fight the crippling disease of polio that has attacked over 200 children in the country over the past couple of years.

At a news conference at the National Press Club here on Monday, MNAs and senators belonging to the PPP, PML-N, MQM, ANP, JUI-F and PML-Q said that fighting polio had become “a national obligation” because 60 per cent of the polio cases reported in the world last year had occurred in Pakistan.

They regretted that 198 polio cases had been reported in the four provinces and Fata last year alone and the world was rightly worried that Pakistan might export the virus. No case was reported in India last year. Pakistan is among four countries in the world with prevalence of polio.

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In 2012, Nigeria has four cases of wild polio virus.

Nigeria: country records four polio in 10 weeks.

Dr Zikrullah Giwa, the Polio Technical Consultant to the Northern Governors' Forum (NGF), said Thursday that Nigeria recorded four cases of wild polio virus in the past 10 weeks.

Giwa who made this known at a meeting of the forum in Kaduna, said the cases were recorded in Kaduna, Sokoto, Borno and Zamfara states.

"In 2012, Nigeria has four cases of wild polio virus in four states compared to four cases in three states for the same period in 2011."

According to him, the current National Epidemiology the country recorded 62 cases of the wild polio virus in 2011 in eight states.

Giwa stated that the total number of "circulating vaccine derived polio virus" (cVDPV2) was 35 in 10 states of the federation in 2011.

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Mar 12, 2012

New case of poliomyelitis in Colombia have been caused by the oral polio vaccine (OPV).

Confirmado caso de polio en un niño de un año de edad en Marulanda.

La Dirección  Territorial de Salud de Caldas (DTSC) informó que este jueves el Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS) confirmó un caso de polio en Caldas, este corresponde a un niño de 1 año de edad, de sexo masculino y residente en área rural de Marulanda quien ya había recibido 3 dosis de la vacuna oral para polio. 

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Mar 7, 2012

Psychological aspects of polio survivors through their life experience.

European Conference on Post Polio Syndrome
Copenhagen // AUG 31 - SEP 2, 2011

Psychological aspects of polio survivors through their life experience.


Falls among polio survivors.

European Conference on Post Polio Syndrome
Copenhagen // AUG 31 - SEP 2, 2011

Falls among polio survivors.


Voiding and bowel problems.

European Conference on Post Polio Syndrome
Copenhagen // AUG 31 - SEP 2, 2011



Impact of comorbidity, aging and lifestyle-related factors in polio survivors.

European Conference on Post Polio Syndrome
Copenhagen // AUG 31 - SEP 2, 2011



Pain in polio survivors.

European Conference on Post Polio Syndrome
Copenhagen // AUG 31 - SEP 2, 2011

Pain in polio survivors.


Respiration and sleep.

European Conference on Post Polio Syndrome
Copenhagen // AUG 31 - SEP 2, 2011



Anesthesia issues for polio survivors.

European Conference on Post Polio Syndrome
Copenhagen // AUG 31 - SEP 2, 2011

Anesthesia issues for polio survivors.


Orthopedic surgery in polio survivors. Symptoms and management.

European Conference on Post Polio Syndrome
Copenhagen // AUG 31 - SEP 2, 2011

Orthopedic surgery in polio survivors. Symptoms and management.


Disuse osteoporosis in the patients with post polio syndrome.

European Conference on Post Polio Syndrome
Copenhagen // AUG 31 - SEP 2, 2011

Disuse osteoporosis in the patients with post polio syndrome.


Handcycling across Canada.

European Conference on Post Polio Syndrome
Copenhagen // AUG 31 - SEP 2, 2011

Handcycling across Canada.


Australia’s polio health and wellness retreat .

European Conference on Post Polio Syndrome
Copenhagen // AUG 31 - SEP 2, 2011

Australia’s polio health and wellness retreat.


Personal experience with IVIG treament .Pathophysiology, Pharmacological, research and treatment.

European Conference on Post Polio Syndrome
Copenhagen // AUG 31 - SEP 2, 2011

Personal experience with IVIG treament. Pathophysiology, Pharmacological, research and treatment.


Pharmacological treatment. Pathophysiology, Pharmacological, research and treatment.

European Conference on Post Polio Syndrome
Copenhagen // AUG 31 - SEP 2, 2011

Pharmacological treatment.

Pathophysiology, Pharmacological, research and treatment.


Reseach methodology. Pathophysiology, Pharmacological, research and treatment.

European Conference on Post Polio Syndrome
Copenhagen // AUG 31 - SEP 2, 2011

Reseach methodology.

Pathophysiology, Pharmacological, research and treatment.


Mar 6, 2012

Poliovirus and pathophysiology of PPS.

European Conference on Post Polio Syndrome
Copenhagen // AUG 31 - SEP 2, 2011

Poliovirus and pathophysiology of PPS. Pathophysiology, Pharmacological, research and treatment.



Improving worldwide networking to improve the lives of all survivors .

European Conference on Post Polio Syndrome
Copenhagen // AUG 31 - SEP 2, 2011


Improving worldwide networking to improve the lives of all survivors.


Post polio syndrome, overview of current knowledge.

European Conference on Post Polio Syndrome
Copenhagen // AUG 31 - SEP 2, 2011 


Post polio syndrome, overview of current knowledge.


The story behind the polio eradication campaign.

European Conference on Post Polio Syndrome
Copenhagen // AUG 31 - SEP 2, 2011


The story behind the polio eradication campaign.

Please see the video


Progress on the eradication of polio from WHOs perspective.

European Conference on Post Polio Syndrome
Copenhagen // AUG 31 - SEP 2, 2011


Progress on the eradication of polio from WHOs perspective. 

Please see the video

Mar 5, 2012

Three weeks after her 27th birthday, while on tour with the company in Denmark, the ballerina Tanaquil Le Clercq was stricken with polio.

Muse of many faces: Ballerina Tanaquil Le Clercq's life and times, before and after Balanchine, remembered (and, now novelized)

By Joel Lobenthal

On stage, New York City Baller star Tanaquil Le Clercq could embody every archetype of woman she was called on to portray, and so could be every type of ballerina.
Her unique style and sensibility were due in part to the unlikely marriage of her father Jacques, a French academic, and her mother Edith, a former debutante from St. Louis. It reflected, too, the way she was molded by, and had inspired the world’s great choreographers, above all George Balanchine, NYCB’s founder and artistic director

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Polio: FG increases funding to $30m .

Written by Leon Usigbe, Abuja Friday, 02 March 2012.

PRESIDENT Goodluck Jonathan, on Thursday, announced an increase in the funding of polio eradication programme from $17 million to $30 million with a pledge for further increase if challenges continue in its implementation.

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Polio immunisation: Vaccinator accused of counterfeiting record to be probed.

BAHAWALPUR/MULTAN: Health Department is set to launch an inquiry against a polio vaccinator accused of counterfeiting record of vaccination campaigns in Dera Izzat village for two years.

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Eruption of polio cases.

Hyderabad—The Federal Minister Mola Bux Chandio has said that Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani has taken serious notice of eruption of polio cases in the country and directed all the Federal Ministers/Cabinet members to visit their respective areas and personally monitor the anti-polio campaign to make Pakistan a polio free country.

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Im Alter von sechs Jahren erkrankte Johannes Messerschmid an Poliomyelitis.

Froschatmung von Betroffenen lernen.

 München (kobinet) Im Alter von sechs Jahren erkrankte Johannes Messerschmid an Poliomyelitis, verbrachte 12 Jahre im Krankenhaus und ist nun seit über 50 Jahren auf eine Beatmungsmaschine angewiesen, da er seine Bewegungsmuskulatur nicht mehr steuern kann. Nach über einem Jahrzehnt im Krankenhaus erfuhr Johannes Messerschmid von der glossopharyngealen Atmung, auch "Froschatmung" genannt. Über sein Leben mit der Behinderung gibt es online einen Beitrag im ZDF. 

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